Thursday, May 12, 2011

Strawberry Dessert

So a few post back I said that mother's day was not the best. Everyone, but me, was sick!! Rich and George are still having a hard time. We had planned on having my parents over for Sunday lunch so I had already begun to buy things (on sale) to serve lunch. The dessert was going to be this Strawberry Dessert, mainly because strawberries were buy one get one free and the angel food cake was on sale. So I made it anyway but brought it to school Monday to share. It is so easy and looks so pretty I thought I would share.

So you want to get three pints of strawberries (you can you use peaches, I also thought about doing half strawberries and half blueberries for 4th of July). Cut up and sprinkle with sugar and set aside.

Your store bought angel food cake, how simple is that!

These are the ingredients for the filling: Whipping cream, sweetened condensed milk, and cream cheese.

To make the whipping cream you want to get your bowl and whisk really cold, so I put mine in freezer. Ok, so you see how disorganized my freezer is, that is a summer project. But you can kinda of see a blue bunnie above it. That is Boo Boo Bunnie. Anytime William thinks he is hurt he goes and gets Boo Boo Bunnie. It is a life saver. We just say, "You need Boo Boo." He goes and gets it, holds it on his hurt for a second and then he is all better. He even gets it for us if he thinks we are hurt. We got ours (or Smitty did) at Stein Mart.

When it is good and cold, I pour my whipping cream in bowl add a splash of vanilla and a few scoops of sugar and sweent to taste. Then mix really fast. It will take a little bit but it will start to thicken up.

While that is mixing, I tore the cake in half and then tore one half into pieces and put in trifle bowl.

Then add half the strawberries.

When whipping cream is ready, I then put in the cream cheese (softened) and sweetened milk and mixed that up really well. Then put half of that on strawberries.

Then repeat and you have a beautiful dessert!!!

Peach or Strawberry Stuff
from: Louise Jones

3 pints Strawberries, washed, pitted and sliced or
Fresh Ripe Peaches (She did not say how many)

Sprinkle Sugar over fruit, add Fruit Fresh if you are using peaches. Fruit Fresh keeps them from turning brown.

1 Angel Food Cake

1 8 ounce package Cream Cheese – let this soften
1 pint Whipping Cream – whipped
1 can Eaglebrand Sweetened Condensed Milk

Whip the cream in a large bowl. Then add softened cream cheese and Eaglebrand milk.

Layer ½ of the cake, then the fruit then the filing. Repeat. And there you have it! Keep refrigerated. Best made ahead of time. Louise uses a Trifle Bowl.

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